Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Also: Write Better Headlines

My office feels a little more 2017ish today  

Happy New Year, Jeremy.  Boy, have I got a list of resolutions for you...

So, today is the first day of 2017 where I can actually get something accomplished after spending the entire day yesterday trying in vain to unearth myself from the deluge of emails I got while I was away.  Pretty typical for an engineer's vacation.  So now, I can officially start in on 2017 with my new list of new year projects and performance evaluation metrics and other such worky nonsense.  

So, for 2017, I think you should take more showers...and try to be funny once in a while...

Since I'm not quite into the full swing of 2017 yet...
He's already written the date wrong twice.  That's another resolution for you...write stuff down correctly. doesn't quite feel like a new year in the office here.  My tiny little light-up Christmas tree is still up on top of my office, I still have at least a couple cookies left at home (all of the raisin bread is, of course, long gone), and there are still lingering bits of Christmas spirit around.  Nobody's yet yelling at each other for stupid crap like putting a shipment of our incoming materials on a truck bound for Vermont...I mean...hypothetically.  Yeah...nothing like that happened today or anything.  

Maybe you could resolve to be a little less transparent with your anecdotes.  Also, try to be funny once in a while.  

But, we're slowly and surely making our way into 2017.  Here's to you, 2017...let's make it a good one!  

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