Wednesday, March 2, 2016

I Didn't Expect It To Happen This Soon

I made banana bread due to poor planning  

Well, at least you ended up with a tasty snack out of it.  How did things go this wrong anyway?  

That's the weird part.  I genuinely don't know.  But, things went totally off the rails for me in the banana department.  Banana bread was the only solution.  

Allow me to explain. 

So, Not Long Ago, I explained the process of planning for and buying bananas.  It's remarkably complicated, and probably involves more thought that most people would put into this type of produce buying decision.  

Except for the fact that it all went wrong.  

By last weekend, I had five, count 'em FIVE bananas bordering on over-ripeness sitting on my counter.  I don't think I forgot to bring breakfast with me to work, and although I did forget to bring an extra for volleyball the one day, that doesn't explain how things were so far off.  I legitimately think that the grocery store screwed up and had bananas that were closer to ripe than usual, and I simply didn't notice when buying that their shelf life may not be what I was expecting.  

In just a few short days, my bananas were going to be spoiled, which would be something of a tragedy.  I mean, the bananas probably cost me about three bucks, so it's not a huge financial loss, but there are starving people in the world, I don't need to be wasting food.  A new solution was required.  

I searched the world high and low...

He typed "Banana Bread Recipe" into The Google...

...for a recipe for banana bread.  Fortunately for our hero, I was able to locate one and solve my banana dilemma.  I used one of the bananas for my breakfast one morning, and turned the other four into a delicious baked treat which I can enjoy for several days to come.  I also went grocery shopping and bought new bananas to start the whole process over.  

It's my burden.   

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