Wednesday, March 23, 2016

It Begins...

What makes elephants sick?  Pachygerms!  

You have some serious explaining to do.  Why are you doing this to these nice people?  

It has become very important for me to learn some new terrible jokes.  You're all my test subjects.

This is a magnificent way to lose readers, you know.  

Nonsense.  All of the loyal readers here love great jokes.  And terrible jokes.  

So anyway...what's important to know here is that the company I work for has taken steps recently to overcome its former reputation of being old and stuffy.  They're trying to make ourselves look like a younger, hipper, edgier company to work for.  To accomplish this, they have done key things like install a Scrabble board on the wall for people to walk by and play with, buy a giant connect four board which is now placed in a somewhat random location, converted one of the conference rooms into a Lego room, and created "lounges" where there were once couches.  These lounges consist of some giant bean bag chairs and a table.  

Here's where this becomes noteworthy.  The bean bag chairs are not filled with beans, or those little plastic beads, or those styrofoam beads.  They're filled with loose fluff which has no structural integrity whatsoever.  If you sit in these chairs, you immediately sink directly to the floor, surrounded by bean bag.  It's not comfortable.  But, you still have a table.  But wait, there's more!  The table is covered with a plastic coating, making them serviceable as a white board!  There are also markers for drawing.  How delightfully fun is this?

Mildly fun, at best.

Exactly!  So, somebody has to take it upon themselves to increase the fun, and that somebody's me!  Not long after these tables were installed, I took the one near my office and converted it into an anonymous tic-tac-toe game.  I drew a board and placed an X in the center square.  I came back the next day to find an O in one of the other squares, and the game was afoot.  

Well, that lasted only a couple days before people started cheating.  I've now decided to turn that table into a comedy forum for the sharing of the greatest jokes ever told which can be written on a white board.  It will start with today's Elephant joke and slowly improving the comedy level until there is nowhere left to go, and I'm forced to deploy The Skeleton Joke.  Hopefully, and with your help, there will be a long long time in between then and now.  Submit your greatest jokes here!  And remember, this is for work, so keep them clean. 

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