Friday, December 18, 2015

Another Bear To Follow You Around

Commercials should not use the word “bestest”  

Yet, there is so very much one that does.  It's a pretty terrible commercial regardless, but this just pretty well seals the deal.  

Even for those of you, like me, who have joined the war on Christmas, we're now officially in the Christmas season.  Thanksgiving is long past, it's Mid December, trees are up, lights are on, presents are wrapped, cookies are made, Hanukkah is over...fine.  It's Christmas.  This means Christmas music is everywhere, and there's nothing we can do about it, because it's actually justified now.  

Of course, Christmas music is often misused, such as in the case of a certain car manufacturer who is misusing the holiday pile of hot garbage classic, "Jingle Bell Rock" for their radio commercials.  There need to be rules about this sort of thing.  The lyrics are a little messed up in order to fit into the rhythm of the song, but not quite as horribly as that mobile phone add which uses "Jolly Old St. Nicholas" to sing every last legal disclaimer ever invented for a mobile phone carrier.  They also end the jingle (no pun intended) by singing, "That's why *Unnamed Car Sales Event* Roooooooocks!"  Seriously?  Nothing "rocks" anymore.  This is a clear case of some stuffed shirt advertising executive going out of his way to show just how hip and cool he is with the current generation while failing miserably at it.  And the poor singer who is just trying to make a living by singing commercial jingles is on the receiving end of a terrible lyric sheet.   

The lyrics also for some completely inexplicable reason make use of the word "bestest."  It doesn't even fit the music!  It doesn't make sense either musically or linguistically, and yet it's one of the key points of the song.  It really is pretty terrible and just helps put people out of the Christmas spirit. 

So uhmmm...Happy Holidays!

That's going to wrap up 2015 for all of us here at Jeremy Is In The Office!  We'll be Out Of The Office through the remainder of the Holiday Season and return on monday, January 4th with a whole new year of Sametime Fun and Frivolity.  Who knows...maybe one of these years, we'll start getting this "comedy" thing right.  

Have a safe and merry Christmas, Joyous Kwanzaa, Happy New Year, and we'll see everyone in January! 

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