Tuesday, August 25, 2015

I Need A Tape Measure

One of these days, my perfect streak of Garbage Can Basketball will come to an end  

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and again.  

So, you may remember that I recently changed offices.  It's a period of mixed feelings right now.  I miss my door, and the neighbors are noisier here than they were back in the old place.  I tend to filter them out with headphones, but that's a problem at lunch time, because the in-ear not-quite-noise-isolating headphones I have make it really loud to crunch on things.  Plug your ears and eat a potato chip if you don't know what I'm talking about.  

But, the new place is not without its merits.  I get more exercise walking longer distances to meetings.  I also get to be outside more walking longer distances to meetings in different buildings.  The novelty of that will go away right quick once winter comes, but that's beside the point entirely.  The parking situation is significantly better, and the cafeteria is very close.  

Also, I have a perfect record in Garbage Can Basketball.  

I'm not competing against anyone, nor is this a time-wasting game.  Whenever I have to throw something out, I just crumple it up and toss it across the aisle at the waste basket about 15 feet (5 meters) away.  This is only a slightly shorter distance than the garbage can in the hallway by my old office, but the results have been astonishing.  I have yet to miss the can!  It's true.  I keep expecting it to happen.  I'm not good at basketball, and my attempts at the can in my old office more often than not ended with me walking outside to pick scrap paper off the floor.  My streak is inexplicable, and I'm just going to enjoy it and ride it out as long as I can.  One of these days, I'll miss the can and end up just throwing crap into Jim's office, but until then...I'm on a roll! 

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