Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Don't Think Anybody's Snoring Yet

Sure, now it rains, after I watered all of my flowers

It's a rainy sort of day here in the Greater Jeremy Area.  One where you don't really mind being stuck inside at work all day.  So, Jeremy's staying at work all day.

I also had a meeting 6 buildings away (not an exaggeration), and it was raining, so I couldn't cut my travel time in half by walking outside.  So, I got my exercise in, too.  Two birds!  

So, by now, you should know that I was on vacation not all that long ago, which meant that I was away from home.  There are several things about one's home that require attention.  Lawns, mail delivery, flower pots, and the like.  Some of which are more easily dealt with than others.  You can put a stop delivery on your mail very easily over the internets.  You can make sure to mow the lawn right before you leave, so it doesn't turn into a total jungle by the time you get back  And you can over-water your flower pots right before you leave and hope that it's enough to tide the plants over for as long as you're gone.  That's a bit of a crapshoot.  

You can also ask your neighbors to water your plants for you, but I don't want to be That Guy.  

I have several flower pots.  Some of them even have flowers.  I have three small house plants inside, none of which have flowers anymore, and two large pots outside, with multiple degrees of flowers.  Three of the plants have lots of flowers, three of them kinda don't.  Two of those used to, but that's beside the point entirely.  

So, I watered the indoor plants and figured they'd be okay.  They don't usually require an overabundance of attention anyway, so I figured they'd be okay.  I also watered the outdoor pots, knowing that they dry out quickly, might have some trouble making it a full week on their own, but hoping for the best and maybe an occasional rain to help me out.  

Well, it was 80 degrees and sunny the entire time, so when I finally got back, all of the dirt in the pots was bone dry, and leaves were wilty, and flowers were all sad and stuff, and the lawn was a near-constant shade of brown.  Not much luck for me in the agriculture department, but everything at least survived.  I proceeded to re-water the pots thoroughly, and the plants all livened back up.  

Today, rain and thunderstorms all day.  

Mother Nature...you just suck.  That is all. 

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