Wednesday, February 18, 2015


I’m going to invent a really really big bread box

This will prove to be very useful, I'm sure.  Where are you going to put this monstrosity?

That's not important right now.

What's important is putting an end to the question "Is it bigger than a bread box?" once and for all!

Is that really necessary?  That doesn't seem necessary.

Of course it's necessary!  Because, science.  See, when measuring anything, we rely on very specific and standardized units of measure so that we all talk about the same thing.  Gone are the days of measuring stuff by the length from your elbow to your middle finger tip (go ahead....look that up, I dare you) and slightly less so are the days of somewhat more arbitrary measurements like the inch and the bizarre constructs of that.  Multiples of 12, 36, and 5280 are nonsense.  Tens are where it's at!  Hooray metric system!  

Anyway, a common question is if something is bigger than a bread box.  Well, this is crap.  Bread boxes are all generally around the same size, but so are forearms.  We did away with that measurement, so we need to do away with bread boxes.  Besides, nobody's ever specified if it's a bread box designed to hold one loaf of bread, or multiples.  It's chaos, I tell you!  

So, what the world needs now, in addition to love, is a super-ultra-mega-big bread box.  It's worth noting that the world's largest loaf of bread weighs in at nearly 3500 pounds, so that's a good place to start.  Average bread density is around 0.2 g/cm3, so we're talking a loaf of bread somewhere in the 8 million cubic centimeter range.  If we go with a loaf that's 1 meter square, it would be 8 meters long.  so there you bread box would need to be big enough to hold that.  

Then, the next time somebody asks you if something is bigger than a bread box, you can simply answer, "Well....most of them." 

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