Monday, February 23, 2015

I Got Your Oscar Right Here

Wow, that Oscars after-party was amazing…I mean…I’m guessing

Awe geeze...Jeremy watched another awards show.  This doesn't end well.

As you might expect, I was not nominated for an Academy Award this year.  Then again, neither was Neil Patrick Harris, and they let him host the thing, so I guess it's okay.  As a consequence of the lack of support from the Academy...

...not to mention Jeremy's complete lack of any actual work in the film making industry other than writing a single movie pitch on a Blag...

...I was not invited to the Oscars ceremony held last night.  It wasn't all that surprising, I guess.  I really just question all of their judgements since 1995, when they gave an Oscar to Nicolas Friggin Cage for crying out loud.  Seriously, Academy?  What's the big idea there?  

I digress. 

So, one of the main reasons people like winning Oscars is the After Parties they get to attend with their shiny new gold trophies.  Based on the number of people who were interviewed on TV looking at least fairly intoxicated, I would imagine that the after parties are pretty wild affairs.  

I wouldn't know.  

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