Monday, October 13, 2014

Door Hinge?

It’s a good thing water isn’t orange, or we’d never remember what year Columbus set sail

In hindsight, it really was remarkable timing.  Any other year, and we would have had to come up with a different rhyme as well.  

So, today is Columbus Day.   One of those holidays that people think shouldn't be a holiday.  Let's leave aside all of the debate about whether or not Columbus actually discovered the American continents, or whether He Was A Good Guy Or Not, and just assume that Columbus's voyage paved the way for westward expansion and leave it at that.  

What the holiday boils down to is whether or not people who designate holidays think that they need more holidays.  The answer to that is usually yes.  I know I would vote myself a couple more holidays if I had the ability...but I don't.  I don't even have the ability to vote on whether or not I get today off.  I don't.  To be clear...I don't have the ability, and I don't have the day off.  

So, with all of this nonsense being said, we all know the pithy little rhyme, "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue."  This is 100% accurate.  It's also precarious, since any change in the year of the voyage and/or color of water would render it worthless.  But, in most of the alternate cases, you can still make some kind of rhyme work to help you remember the date for your elementary school history test (and no other practical purpose anywhere ever).  Except orange.  Nothing rhymes with orange, so there would be absolutely no way to have a clever little mnemonic to go with.  

This is also a flimsy excuse to link to This Video, which is the best part of the third Monkey Island video game that doesn't involve Murray the Demonic Talking Skull.  Enjoy! 

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