Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Video Game Scores

How do you say “Ridiculous Pants-Kicking” in Portuguese?  

"Ridículo chutando de calças."

Well, that just takes the fun right out of today's Sametime Status.  

You're welcome. 

So here's a story from yesterday.  

I had made plans to play some volleyball with folks after work, starting around 5:30PM.  It actually ended up being slightly after that, but that's beside the point.  The weather forecast throughout the day was calling for thunderstorms.  Believe it or not, this is relevant.  

At some point in the afternoon, I got a message from some other folks that they had made plans to go to a local dining establishment at 4:00 to watch the football game.  That being the big Germany vs Brazil World Cup game.  I decided that I wouldn't be able to make it to the bar to watch the game and be able to return in time (and in condition) to play volleyball, so I forwent the game in favor of the previously-made plans.  Unless it were to rain, then I'd be able to join for football.  

3:45ish comes, and I make one last check of the weather, and it's clear sailing for volleyball, so I make the final executive decision to skip the soccer game, and I continue working.  

4:30ish comes, and I make one first check of the soccer score on my phone to see if it was at least an interesting game.  The sports app says 5-0.  This being a highly unusual score for a soccer game, particularly at this stage in the World Cup where there should be only good, evenly-matched teams remaining, I conclude that my app is lying to me.  I go back to the computer and check the score on one of the sporting news websites which confirms that Brazil is having the garbage kicked out of them 5-0 by Germany.  

So, as it turns out, I totally could have gone to the bar, caught the first part of the soccer game, left long after things had gotten completely out of hand, and made it to the field in plenty of time for volleyball.  

It didn't even start raining until after 9:00.  

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