Monday, May 19, 2014

Only 2 Pairs of Birkenstocks

In the all-organic food store, I feel like “Paper or plastic?” is a trick question

Jeremy has gone green in his new attempt to become a dirty hippie.  This includes all organic foods and only showering once per month, whether he needs it or not.  

Uhm, no.  The real explanation for this makes a little less sense.  

So not long ago, I found myself with a little time to kill, and I was in the vicinity of an organic foods market that I was told about a little longer ago.  Rather than doing just about anything else, I decided to check out the market and see just what types of things are available in organic form for merely three times the price of the exact same items I can get at any grocery store.   

But aren't you concerned about organic growth, and ridding your body of toxins?

Since the people who talk about the "toxins" in regular food don't know what they're talking about and only use the word "toxins" to describe everything they don't understand, I'm not all that concerned about it, no.  I'm actually okay with a farmer who makes his living growing food and would be out of a livelihood and probably in jail if he does so improperly work with scientists who have degrees in chemistry and human physiology to make safe food, and not let some guy in a headband talking about how organic is the way to go ruin it for me.  

Regardless, the person I had talked to some time ago who recommended this particular store to me very specifically called out the organic bananas sold there as being the best bananas he had ever had.  

So, at the very least, I thought I'd try some organic bananas.  They only cost 3 1/2 times as much as they do in my regular grocery store.  I also found organic dog food, which is among the more ridiculous things I've ever seen in my life, and I own a copy of "Plan 9 From Outer Space."  

At the end of my trip, and I ended up purchasing two other things in addition to the bananas (mostly to make the trip seem less worthless), I was offered the choice between paper and plastic bags.  Frankly, I'm a little surprised that the option to use plastic bags is even there.  If people are so concerned about health and the earth and organic nonsense, shouldn't they frown upon plastic bags, even if you promise to recycle them?  I'm sure the cashier was silently judging me for not having my own reusable cloth grocery bags, and I didn't want to make things any worse.  I opted for a paper bag.  I'll still recycle it...honest. 

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