Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Also: Global Warming

The lamestream media is lying to us!  A guy on the radio this morning said that Nailz was one of the Nasty Boys.  

Okay, people.  Before Jeremy explains this nonsense to you, stop whatever the heck you're doing right now and Watch This Video!  It will be the greatest part of your day.  Now, on to the second greatest part of your day....

So we hear a lot these days about media bias.  There's left bias, right bias, liberal bias, conservative bias, a bias toward fairness (A term that I needed TV's Will McAvoy to explain to me, saying "Bias towards fairness means that if the entire Republican Congressional Caucus were to walk into the House and propose a resolution stating that the Earth was flat, the Times would lead with 'Democracts and Republicans Can't Agree on Shape of Earth'.").  The end result is that everyone has their own set of doubts about various media sources.  This distrust gives rise to new terms like "Lamestream media," which is basically every standard media outlet who is apparently too blinded by corporate profits to actually be able to report facts.  

Well, included in this is now the radio station in the Greater Jeremy Area which plays the morning show I listen to while getting ready to go to work in the morning.  Granted, they're a comedy show, but that doesn't mean they're allowed to distort the facts for their own purposes.  Lately, they've been playing a call-in game where the listener is presented a name, and they have to guess whether that person is a professional wrestler or an adult film performer.  Not the most wholesome game ever, but we don't judge here.  

Jeremy's three for three so far this week.  

So, after playing this morning's edition of the game, one of the hosts went on to talk about the professional wrestler Nailz.  Portrayed by Kevin Wacholz, Nailz was the short-lived WWF persona of a former convict who was released from prison and was out to seek retribution from the former prison guard, "The Big Boss Man" as played by Ray Traylor.  He was fired from the WWF shortly thereafter following a physical altercation with owner Vince McMahon.  Everyone knows this.  Well...everyone except for the radio host, apparently, who described Nailz as one of the Nasty Boys.  This is inexcusable.  The Nasty Boys were, of course, an enduring tag team consisting of Brian Knobbs, Jerry Sags, and nobody named Nailz.  

I'm going to have trouble believing anything this radio host has to say from now on.  Geeze...

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