Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ready For Spring

Sadly, it looks like I’m going to have to turn the heat on

One more in the Win column for Mother Nature, that bitter old crank.  

I don't really know why I do this to myself.  I mean...I know why, but I also very much don't.  Every  year about this time, I engage in a battle of wills with the weather to see just how long I can go without turning the heat on in my house.  Ostensibly, it's because heat can get expensive, but that fact doesn't much cross my mind when I'm getting ready for work in a 62 degree house thinking I can hold out one more week to make it into November.  I'm not so much concerned about saving the couple of dollars (absolute max) it will run me to bump the temperature up 8 degrees or so for an hour in the morning as I am having my human spirit triumph by not flipping one little switch.  

I don't know why I do this to myself.  

I prefer summer over winter, and while there's something noble about not giving up on summer just yet, the leaves all over my yard and the frost on the leaves all over my yard don't lie.  Summer is finished, the temperatures won't be going up again for a little while, and I will simply have to turn to fossil fuels to provide my heat for a little while.

I'm miserable and whiny when I'm cold.  

So why do I force cold upon myself in the name of a futile gesture against the forces of nature?  I'm not happy about it, nor do I really have any chance of winning.  I really should just bite the bullet and flip the thermostat to "On"...but I just can't yet.  I've almost made it to November!

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