Thursday, October 24, 2013

More Than You Wanted To Know

Somebody may now explain to me why I have the theme song to Disney’s “Bonkers” stuck in my head

If you actually think anybody here is going to explain what's going on in your head, I have some really bad news for you....

So, Bonkers was a Disney cartoon that ran back in the mid 90's about a cartoon character who was pushed out of the cartoon business and ended up with a job as a police officer in a place called "Toon Town."  If this sounds like a bit of a cross between several Warner Brothers characters of the same era (Yakko, Wakko, and Dot mized with Slappy Squirrel), well, a case could be made that you're right.  There is also plenty of resemblance to the film "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" which came out 5 years earlier.  Generally speaking, the whole premise of the show was nothing unique at the time. 

Regardless, this cartoon was a major divergence from Disney's usual brand of cartoon into the more off-the-wall slapstick type of humor that Warner Brothers had been putting out very successfully for many years.  (See: Bunny, Bugs)  Only problem with this is that while this type of cartoon is right in WB's wheelhouse, Disney wasn't particularly good at it.  Overall, the show fell pretty flat and lasted the standard 65 episode limit of many Disney shows before Bonkers D. Bobcat was retired for good. 

As is also typical of Disney's cartoons, much effort was put into the Opening Theme Song.  (See, Rescue Rangers, Gargolyes, Darkwing Duck)  The result was arguably the best part of the show.  While this is all well and good...I have no explanation for why it's been in my head lately. 

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