Friday, April 13, 2012

That Might Have Hurt

License Plate:  YOUNEK  Anyone know what that means?

No...I sure don't.  

Me either.  It's one of those times where I get so confused by something that I just have to try to figure it out, and I'm having no luck.  It's obviously some sort of vanity plate, since it seems very unlikely that this pattern of letters would be arbitrarily assigned by the DMV of that particular state.  (It was, in fact, an out-of-state license plate)   

Only two things come to mind when trying to decrypt "YOUNEK," and the first is something that really should never be on a license plate.  That would be "Eunuch," but enough about that.  The only other thing that makes sense, if you want to use the word "sense" here, would be a complete, or unique, way to spell "Unique."  At this point, given the usual constraints of a license plate, I would think one could come up with any number of better ways to convey "Unique" in a unique way that would actually seem more likely to leave the reader thinking "Unique" instead of "Eunuch."  Examples would be "YOUNEEK," "YUNEEK", "YOUNIQ" etc.  

So there you have it...your homework assignment for the weekend.  Figure this nonsense out and let me know what the frig this idiot is talking about.  Unless, of course, they really are a eunuch, at which point, I'm sorry I made fun of you. 

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