Monday, April 2, 2012

Fat Stacks, But Over Time

If you’re reading this, you didn’t win either

I'm pretty sure I won at least a couple bucks by not playing.  

For those who enjoy living in caves, last week marked the highest lottery jackpot in American history.  Like so many other lemmings, I threw some money at tickets for the thing.  Basically, the logic was as follows:  I'm not going to win, but I can at least sleep tonight knowing that I gave it the ol' college try.  

None of us won.  

Let's be realistic here.  If I won 600-some million dollars, I wouldn't be writing this Blag anymore.  This whole thing came about by having to explain my instant messenger's status far too often.  If I win 600 million bucks, I won't be working anymore.  If I'm not working, I don't have to use the instant messenger.  If I don't use the instant messenger, I don't have to change the status.  If I don't change the status, there's nothing to explain, so no Blag.  It's a little sad to think about, but I simply wouldn't be doing this anymore.

You're in the same boat, as loyal readers.  If you won 600 million dollars, you're too busy fielding phone calls from long lost relatives who want to reconnect, old grade school friends who have great new business ideas, and charities who know who's new to the disposable income game.  You wouldn't be sitting around reading amateur comedy blags.  Unless, of course, you've decided that your new business venture with all of your new-found wealth is that of a sitcom producer looking for the next hot new which point, by all means, use the comment section here to get in touch with me.

Now...all that said...I came closer than you did to winning 600 million dollars last week.  I came closer to winning the lottery last week than I have in my entire life, and that spans all 3 or 4 times I've played the lottery.  I actually did have 4 of the 6 numbers right, on the same ticket no less, which entitled me to a nice dinner's worth of winnings, but a far cry from the obscene sum I was looking for when I bought the tickets.  So, bottom line...yes, I won some money in the lottery, no it's not enough to bother mugging me in the parking lot, yes I'm still working and coming up with great new Sametime Statuses for your entertainment, yes I want you all to come back tomorrow.  Money hasn't changed me.

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