Friday, August 12, 2011

Won't Be The Last Time

My car smells like gas

What have I told you about the Taco Bell drive-thru?

You asked for an order of the cinnamon thingies.


Anyway, not even talking about that kind of gas, but thank you for dragging another entry in my Blag right down the pan.

You're welcome. It's what I do.

So today's Sametime Status is another in the long line of Sametime Statuses devoted to me doing something stupid.

This Blag will be around for years and years...

Yesterday, I mowed the lawn. I'm sure you were all concerned about that, so there you go. I did so with the mower running on fumes, because I had very little gas left in the can. On my way out for the evening, I threw the can in the trunk so I could fill it up at the gas station on the way home. (A station that, for strictly Blag Purposes, let's call "CrapsWinner")

Anyway, the working theory was that I'd fill the can, drive it home, and unload it into the garage next to the lawnmower...a darn good arrangement, if you ask me. Well, in pretty standard fare, I forgot to take it out of the trunk once I got home, so the thing sat in the trunk, stinking up my car with gas fumes all night. Today, while driving in to work, my car smelled like gas. It's a temporary condition that's probably already gone, but it makes for a fun Sametime Status. Happy weekend, everybody!

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