Monday, July 26, 2010

Please Recycle

Attention Phone Company: Nobody uses phone books anymore.

But what if you have to find a business's number?

Well, that's what the internet is for. Every reputable business has a website these days, and they all put their contact info on it. The primary reason being that they actually want you to be able to find them to give them money.

What about finding people?

Just about everybody you'd need to call has already given you their phone number, email address, or friended you on Facebook, so there aren't many excuses for not having that info. Also, people don't "call" anymore. Phones are more for texting and forwarding those funny animated pictures now than they are for "calls." Calling is so 20th century. point is that the multiple phone companies don't really need to send me 5 phone books every year, when last year's are still sitting around in the plastic bags they came in, having never been looked at. It's pretty much a waste of the money I'm paying you to provide my texting service. Thank you.

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