Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's really annoying for you to be deploying

Four rhymes in one commercial is either too many or too few.

So how many is correct? The loyal readers need to reflect.

Well, the answer depends. There is nothing wrong with making your entire commercial rhyme, or even be its own catchy jingle. Many have done that in the past, and the world as a whole is none the worse for it.

A problem arises, however, when you only have a handful of little catch phrases that you scatter around your commercial. Nobody listening is entirely sure if you want to be catchy or serious.

Is this a real commercial you're talking about? You may want to explain, or else you'll sound like a lout.

There is one commercial that's on the radio around here that does this. It's for a junkyard, so the need to be cute and jingly is pretty minimal. At the same time, the need for a memorable catch phrase is equally apparent. It's not very often that the general scrap-part-buying public is looking for a quality junkyard. However, the commercial writer wrote a script where there are exactly 4 rhyming catch phrases in a 30-second spot. Every 3rd line,'s a little weird.

Definitely sounds like a red flag. Now go off and read somebody else's Blag.

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