Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I just can't describe it

The difference between "Knight and Day" and a good movie is like...a lot.

I can't come up with the words, either.

One of the things worth doing when the weather is nice is to go to Drive-In movies. It's fun to share a picnic with your friends, sit outside and watch a movie under the stars with some snacks and beverages, plus it's significantly cheaper than seeing the movies in one of the standard roof-having theaters...and you get two movies for that lower price. Everybody wins.

Except in recent times, the people who bring us the Drive-In movies have tended towards having really really crappy movies as the second half of the double-feature. The track record lately has been rather dubious...with such stinkers as "Don't Mess With The Zohan", "Shutter Island", and "Splice" as the back of the twin bill. This is lousy.

Not long ago, the second feature was the whimsical action-comedy-spy-drama "Knight And Day" starring a Post-Oprah's-Couch Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. That's all you need to know about the film. The plot was moronic. The action sequences were cartoony and implausible, but the rest of the film didn't match the cartooniness, so you never really bought into it. It shifts gears between action romp, rom-com, comedy, drama, and zaniness so quickly and discontinuitously (If that's not a word, it is now. Tell your friends.), you wonder if you fell asleep for a couple minutes and missed a change-over or something. At the end, they completely recycle no fewer than 4 comedy bits from earlier in the movie, with the exact same script. That's not "coming full-circle"...that's laziness.

So to "Knight And Day", Rottentomatoes may have you at a generous 54%, but from me, you get a big, hearty "No, Thanks!"

This has been another edition of "Jeremy Is In The Theatre."

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