Thursday, July 8, 2010

It's Global Warming!!!

Yes, it's 100 degrees again. No, I don't miss winter.

But think of the children!

Wait, what?

Yeah, I don't know...was just going for a bit there.

So anyway, you may have heard that there's a bit of a heatwave going on in the Northeast US this week. It's obviously due to global warming, or else El Nino...Possibly some combination of both.

Anyway...yes, it's hot. I have fans and an air conditioner and whatnot running, and I end up sweaty and such if I go outside...but guess what...that happens. One of the perks of living in the Northeast is that you experience all 4 seasons. Sometimes Fall and Spring get bypassed a bit, but you get the idea. One of the downfalls of living in the Northeast is that you have people whining about all 4 seasons non-stop. Observe:
  • Summer - "Oh, it's so hot! I can't believe how hot it is. Don't you miss Winter? I'd like to live somewhere that's not so hot."
  • Fall - "Oh, it sucks having to rake up all these leaves! It's too much work. Don't you miss Spring, where the leaves are all on the trees? I'd like to live somewhere where the leaves don't fall."
  • Winter - "Oh, it's friggin cold! I hate having to shovel all this snow. Don't you miss Summer? I'd like to live somewhere where it's warm all year." (By the way...this is me.)
  • Spring - "Oh, it's rainy! I hate looking at all these sticks before they grow leaves. Don't you miss Fall when all the colors are out and it's pretty? I'd like to live somewhere where it doesn't rain so much."

Basically, you can't win. Somebody will be whiney and annoying, and you can't do a thing about it. It's very much like the weather and Bird Flu in that's just going to happen so suck up and deal.

1 comment:

ChippedPolish said...

haha your so right. no season is good enough. i like spring personally. i live in virginia so the spring is pretty nice and it rains alot any season so the rain isnt an issue