Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Theme Week, Part Duck

Jeremy's Sametime Status Proudly Presents: Back From Vacation Week! Mitch Hedberg was right about ducks

Welcome back. The Internet was a duller place without you.

It's good to be back.

How was vacation?

It was very relaxing, in addition to being a somewhat educational experience. I've decided to dedicate the rest of this slightly shortened week to relating my learnings to you, The Most Intelligent Readership In The World. Today's topic...Ducks.

Ducks are cool, but also a little bipolar. The great comedian Mitch Hedberg once said "A duck's opinion of me is influenced by whether or not I have bread," and I've found that to be 100% accurate. Ducks don't think much of me, generally...

Neither do we, really.

But they become my good friends once I'm throwing bread near them. They all gather around and quack happily until they've eaten all my bread, and then go right back to ignoring me. They're kinda jerks in that way, really...

On a somewhat related note, near the lake I was at last week, there are at least 50 ducks. I know this because a couple kids were feeding ducks and the poor tykes were descended upon by masses upon masses of ducks, all anticipating bread. It was like something out of that one Hitchcock movie about all the birds...the name of which escapes me at the moment.

I'm sure it'll come to you at some point.


Willie Y said...

A duck walks into a pharmacy, and asks for Chapstick. The cashier says, "Cash or check?" and the duck says, "Just put it on my bill."

Mom said...

"The Hunt for Red October"?