Thursday, September 10, 2009

Theme Week, Part TV

Jeremy's Sametime Status Proudly Presents: Back From Vacation Week! I should be a sitcom writer

Interesting thought. Take some people...put them in situations and try to make comedy out of it. Original.

One thing that I monkeyed around with a little while on vacation was my sitcom ideas. It's fun to play around with stuff like that and see what comes out of it.

So what did come out of it?

Don't even ask to see the results, because I'm not going to show them to anybody except a network executive looking for the breakout hit of the new season. Look for my name in the credits of your favourite new show.

Here's a's not going to be there.

Someday...some day.

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

I am trying to work up a comedy about a family of necrophlics cannabals called "Bad Taste".