Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Take that, doughnut!

Fine. I'll throw the doughnut myself!

Internetz Food Fight!! WOOOO!

Not as such.


I don't often remember my dreams, but when I do, I feel obligated to share them with you. In this particular case, I was dreaming that I was starring in a movie with Julia Roberts. I don't especially care about Julia Roberts as an actress one way or the other, which makes it a little more weird, but that's beside the point.

We were filming an action sequence which involved a doughnut (Chocolate covered, but not cream why bother?) flying across the screen and splattering on something. Apparently, the props guy was incompetent at throwing the doughnut properly so we had to do take after take until the director threw a fit and announced that he was going to be throwing the doughnut instead. So there you have it.

Whatever "it" is.

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

There seems to be many holes in your dream.