Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Why did people even see this?

I almost want to see Beyonce’s video now

Nobody watches music videos anymore...well, maybe the one for She Wolf, but that's for all the wrong reasons.

I guess that's a side point. Unless you've been living in a hole for the last 2 days, you're aware that a rapper whose name I won't repeat here because he's an idiot who I don't want associated with my Blag interrupted Taylor Swift's award speech. He apparently thought that somebody else made a better music video that nobody watched.

How is it that neither the winner of "Best Male Video" or "Best Female Video" won "Video of the Year"?

Also an interesting question that I don't really care about. What concerns me is the number of people that watched an awards show for music videos. Nobody watches music videos and Awards shows suck...so who's watching this double-stack crap sandwich?


Jeff said...

Further ironic is the absence of music videos on the channel named after music videos which also hosted the awards for said music videos

Willie Y said...

Pass the mustard.