Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More Fun and Frivolity

Caution: Screwy Curve Ahead

That's good to know. You should always plan in advance or screwy curves.

For those of you who may not know, my brain does not function well in the morning.

Only in the morning?

So not long ago, I'm driving in to work, and I see one of those bright orange construction signs on the side of the road. Wanting to be a safe and alert driver, I read what's on the sign...and my brain registers, "Caution: Screwy Curve Ahead."

Being immediately confused, and knowing that such a sign doesn't exist, I did a mini mental-reboot and read the sign again. This time, it said, "Caution: Survey Crew Ahead."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

At least it wasn't "Scurvy Crew Ahead"