Friday, May 15, 2009

Evil Rhetorical Friday

It's the return of the new and improved and I'm smooth, ain't nobody does it better, here's the proof

Wait...this sounds familiar.

Well, it should! It's the lyrics to "The Best" by 2 Skinnee J's!

It's also the exact same Status Message that Evil Jeremy Ran on Wednesday. What happened to originality?

Well, I spoke (actually...typed, but that's beside the point) with Evil Jeremy about this, and we agreed that I could, and even should, re-run the exact same message today...albeit for very different reasons.

He was pleased that there would be more Sametime Statuses around singing the praises of 2 Skinnee J's, which he does Fairly Often.

From my perspective, he mentioned in his post that the proof described in the remainder of the lyrics not shown in the Status Message was both "elegant and simple." This prompted me to do my own investigation, and I set out to learn the proof for myself. As it turns out, one of the J's announces that he is the best by saying "ain't nobody does it better" and offers the proof in the chorus. The proof is as follows:
  • Ain't no body, does it better,
    ain't no body, does it better,
    than J!

    Ain't no body, does it better,
    ain't no body, does it better,
    than J!

Simple, yes. Elegant, perhaps. More importantly, the proof is a rhetorical fallacy because it is a circular argument. The proof of "Ain't nobody does it better" is "Ain't nobody does it better than J!" The proof is offering no more details than the original statement. I realized this and decided that it would be a perfect Sametime Status for Rhetorical Friday. So enjoy!

Rhetorical Friday actually being interesting and informative. This is actually very exciting. Speaking of exciting, you have some exciting news.

Indeed I do. Starting tonight, I will be out of the country for two weeks touring France and Switzerland, and delivering at least 2 keynote lectures on Bird Flu to the European community. As such, The Blag You Know And Love will be pretty much stationary until June. As much as I'd like to apologize for the inconvenience, I really REALLY need the vacation right now, and I'm sure that The Most Intelligent Readership In The World will be able to make do. I'll see you all when I come back to The States.

Jeremy Is In The Office will be Out of the Office starting tomorrow and will return on June 2nd with a new Summer Season of Great Sametime Statuses for you to enjoy.


Jeremy said...

Well I, for one, think this post is moby-dickulous!

Jeremy said...

Uhmmm....yes. I'm going to assume that's a good thing.