Thursday, May 14, 2009

Happy Nothing Day, Everybody!

Today is actually not a "National" anything day. Impressive.

The world seemed a little empty today. Now I know why.

SO every now and again, I have a busy morning or one where I'm completely lacking in inspiration to come up with a Great Sametime Status to edutain all of you. It's on these day I often resort to a certain website that promotes obscure national holidays for every day of the year. For example, yesterday was National Night Shift Workers Day, in addition to being Root Canal Appreciation Day. And while tomorrow is the long-awaited National Chocolate Chip Day AND Nylon Stockings Day, today has absolutely no significance to it whatsoever. Another website says something about the anniversary of the Lewis and Clark expedition, but I was under the impression that the expedition took over 2 years, so pretty much every day could be an anniversary, but I digress.

Y-Y-Y-You could p-p-p-point out that th-th-this week is N-N-National S-S-S-S-S-Stuttering Awareness Week.

You're absolutely right! Let's celebrate with a clip from the classic comedy, My Cousin Vinnie:

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