Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I have hair...

Stupid Bumper Sticker of the Day: "If It's Got Hair, It's Just A Cat"

The sticker had a picture of a cat on it too.

So apparently, anything with hair is now considered a cat. Good to know. So those deer that run through my back yard?

Now cats.

The squirrel I almost ran over on my way to work this morning?

It's just a cat.

That grizzly bear that comes for your sandwiches when you're on a camping trip...relax! It's just a cat! Biology has officially taken a back seat to bumper sticker catch phrases that really make no sense. I'm sure there's some kind of inside joke going on here, probably some elitist crack on people who don't own hairless cats (which are remarkably creepy, by the way), but as a stand-alone bumper sticker, it's really just pretty moronic.

The best part of this story is that the driver's son or daughter is an honors student at a local middle school. The bumper told us that, too!

So either the offspring is adopted or somehow got the shallow end of the gene pool. Good for you, kid!


Jeff said...


Am I a cat?

Jeremy said...

I went to see Hair on Broadway, but it turns out it was just Cats.

Jeremy said...

I'm pleased to inform you that (since I'm assuming you haven't shaved your head) that you are now officially a cat. Congratulations!