Thursday, June 5, 2008

Lawyers Still Suck

Lawyer Joke Week! If you drop a Yankee Fan and a Lawyer off the Empire State Building at the same time, which one hits first? Who cares?

Well done! A crack on Lawyers and Yankee fans all at once.

Thank you. The original joke, as I heard it, was to drop a snake and a Lawyer off the Empire State Building. I improvised a little to suit my needs.

To great effect, I might add.

And here's your special Blag-Only Lawyer Joke Of The Day:

  • A lawyer was driving his new BMW down the highway, singing to himself, "I love my BMW, I love my BMW." Focusing on his car, not his driving, he smashed into a tree. Miraculously, he survived, but his car was totaled. "My BMW! My BMW!" he sobbed.

    A good Samaritan drove by and cried out, "Sir, sir, you're bleeding! And my god, your left arm is gone!"

    The lawyer, horrified, screamed "My Rolex! My Rolex!"

1 comment:

Jeremy Dailey said...

...I'd substitute a Tampa Bay Rays fan right now for the Yankees fan, except I don't think they exist.