Monday, December 3, 2007

Mother Nature is a jerk

Global Warming – Cons: Extinction of 1/4 of the world’s animal species. Pros: I don’t have to chisel my car out of 1/4” of ice anymore. Tough choice.

You do know that's not how global climate change works, right?

Of course. The good news is that Al Gore now reads my blag.


Alright other news, apparently, Americans are addicted to Stuf.


No...Stuf. As in Double-Stuf Oreos. According to This News Report from a Reputable Journal of Opinion, people who are addicted to Stuf are developing a tolerance to the Stuf by eating the Double-Stuf Oreos. This leads to apparently bad things like creating the Quad-Stuf Oreo by sticking two cream-halves of a Double-Stuf Oreo together to form one ridiculously thick cookie.

Previously, I thought I was the only person who did's nice to know there are others. We should form a support group.

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

I stuck a google of them together. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm