Friday, August 24, 2012

Spoiler Alert - There Are Zombies

The trailer for “Birdemic 2: The Resurrection” is everything you’d hoped for and more!

They finally released the trailer?  That's great...I was afraid they'd forgotten to make the film.  Oh wait...not "afraid"...the other thing..."hopeful."  

So you all remember A While Back, I introduced you all to a horrifically awful piece of schlock cinema called "Birdemic: Shock and Terror".  At the time, a sequel to the "film" was merely promised, but not yet a reality.  Well, kids...thank your lucky stars, the sequel has been filmed, and is set for a November release.  My friends have already started screening their phone calls in anticipation of my invitation for a screening.

Nice sentence structure there, Jeremy.  Three consecutive prepositional phrases.  Glad that writing class is paying off for you.  

Well, yesterday was a momentous day in the land of cult film, as the official trailer for "Birdemic II: The Resurrection" was unleashed upon unsuspecting audiences everywhere.  It even made it to the home page of, though its integrity was tarnished substantially by being posted next to the trailer for a Nicolas Cage film.

All that nonsense aside, you owe it to yourselves to check out THE TRAILER to the most highly anticipated sequel since the last time George Lucas plundered his audience's wallets with "Episode 3," but I just like to pretend that movie never happened. 

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