Thursday, August 9, 2012

Still More Corny Jokes From Jeremy

A magician was driving down a road, then he turned into a driveway

Terrific.  Do one liner jokes ever get old?

I certainly hope not...because then I'll run out of material to use on days where I can't think of anything funny.  

We call those "Weekdays."

Actually, truth be told, I came up with a whimsical theme for a Sametime Status this morning, but it had a couple of flaws.  First, I wasn't familiar enough with the subject matter to really figure out how to tie the items together, and second...I couldn't figure out how to make a joke out of it.  The thought I had was a crossover between the recently popular "Fifty Shades" series of books and the slightly less recently but just as popular "Millennium" series of books ("The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" and all that).  Full disclosure, I've read the entire Millennium series, but haven't read any of the Fifty Shades...though I know people who have.  The idea I had was to somehow get Lisbeth Salander into a fan-fic sort of relationship with Christian Gray...but I ultimately realized that I had no idea how that would play out, so the whole concept sort of fizzled.  I'm a little disappointed, to be honest.   

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