Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's not like Pish-Posh

Please stop using the phrase "splish-splash"

But what about that guy who was taking a bath?

Yeah, for the whole song, it's never entirely clear whether Bobby Darin is actually in the bath, or how many people are in there with him. It's more than a little disconcerting. It's almost as if he got out of the bath, was scared by people outside his bathroom, then got back into the bath, but by the time he got there, everyone else had already jumped in the water. That's a very opportunistic group of party goers, if you ask me.

Anyway...all that aside, there's a commercial on the radio these days about some water park somewhere that apparently I've gotta go to (That's their actual catch phrase..."You gotta go!"). I'm told this at least 5 times each time the commercial comes on, and I've still never been there. So while describing all of the things you can do in the water park in an overly sugary way, the spokeswoman decides to break out a handful of colorful adjectives. For example, rather than merely saying they have water slides, they have twisty tunnel-ey wild-watery water slides. I'm not making this up. One of the other things you can do is "splish splash" in a swimming pool. Why they say it like this is completely beyond me, and is something that causes my brain to shut down first thing in the morning while I'm driving to work. I don't need these sorts of distractions.

So, for further commercials, please refrain from using nonsensical kiddie-jargon while convincing me to go somewhere and give you money. Thank you.

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