Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Caution: Nerdiness

When you get down to a fundamental, atomic level, nothing ever actually touches...but that doesn’t make it hurt any less when you fall up the stairs.

So, your fingers never touch the keys, either? Is that why the Blag's been missing for a while?

Actually, there are various reasons for a lack of Sametime Status updates the last couple days. They are as follows, in no particular order: World Cup, Ridiculously busy day, Field Trip. So anyway, the Blag you know and love is back today with Sametimey Goodness.

We love this?

Yes you do. So anyway...we had a philosophical discussion in a physics class years ago about the nature of atoms, charges, and how it relates to picking stuff up. Sure, when you look at things from a larger scope, you touch something, and can pick it up, or press it, or whatever. Even down to a cellular level, the cells of your finger are in contact with the stuff you're touching. When you break it down to a ridiculously small, atomic level...the protons and electrons that make up you are not actually contacting the electrons of other stuff. The charges simply repel and nothing hits. It would be bad if they did, as the electrons would stop moving or be anihilated by the protons of another atom, and everything would be lost. You would lose parts of your finger every time you touched something. The mind boggles.

If you touch something hard enough, it can break.

So the time, this was a whimsically fun discussion on the nature of matter and sub-atomic particles, even if the Higgs Boson was not involved. Why this discussion went through my head the other day as I was busy falling up the stairs at home is beyond me. Apparently, from a sub-atomic scale, I didn't actually land...the elctrons in my arm simply repulsed the electrons of the tile floor and I floated there magically...suspended on a mushy soft bed of negative charges. It should have been quite comfy, but somehow still resulted in a bruise.

Physics sucks.

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