Monday, December 1, 2008

That's not what I was saying yesterday, of course...

To everyone else traveling on I-86 yesterday, I give a big, hearty "No Thanks!"

Welcome back, Jeremy! How was Turkey Time?

Very good, thanks. The drive back, however, sucked mightily.

Those I-86 drivers causing issues again, huh?

It was a whimsical combination of stupid drivers and stupid Mother Nature not giving us anything good to work with.

There was an icy bridge that led to a car about 100 yards behind me spinning around at least 2 full rotations before hitting the guard rail, snow in the first 3 hours of the trip that left at least a dozen cars off the road and caused an accident which made me sit in traffic for 45 minutes, then an ice storm in the last 2 hours of the trip that led to speeds varying from 70 to 15MPH. The whole thing was just a remarkably frustrating experience. I'm glad it's over and I can get back to writing fun and amusing Sametime Statuses.

Okay, so when are you going to start that?

Maybe tomorrow. We'll see.

1 comment:

Jeremy Dailey said...

Wow. Molly and I are both glad that we left Saturday night, stayed overnight in Utica, and made it home Sunday morning at 10am before the weather came (since, incidentally, I was toying with the I-86 to I-81 to I-88 route to come back...)...