Tuesday, December 16, 2008

On the Second Day of Theme Week...

Jeremy’s Sametime Status Proudly Presents: Home for the Holidays week! Putting up the family tree, hanging up the family lights, and blowing up the giant family inflatable Santa-on-a-Motorcycle

Ahhh....nothing says Christmas like Santa riding a chopper.

It's really the only thing preventing me from having a down-home Christmas at the moment. I strung up the lights (Okay, technically, I shoved two big floodlights in the ground and they splatter red and green light on the place, but it's close enough), and I put up the tree. I haven't seen clear to plugging in a gaudy monstrosity of an inflatable thing. There are lots of them available now...Santas, Reindeer, Snow-persons, Elves, Snow-Globes...and now, apparently, Santa on a Motorcycle.

Every red-blooded American needs one. If you don't inflate a Santa on a Motorcycle, the terrorists win.

I think for 4th of July, I should come out with my own line of lawn inflatables. Think about it...inflatable American Flags, Statues of Liberty, Washington Monuments (okay, maybe not the best idea), and Charlton Heston's. It's going to be remarkably lucrative. Anyone else have any ideas for holiday-themed inflatables?

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

Inflatable Trevor Berbick for Boxing Day in Canada.