Monday, May 23, 2016

Need More Holidays. Get On That, Feds

Long weekends are never as long as you think  

Strictly speaking, it was precisely 72 hours long.  Or is that too literal an interpretation?

Too literal.  So, here's a brief outline of how things have been going on Jeremy Land.  I've been working like crazy...and that's about it.  Lots of meetings, projects, people, businesses to deal with, not enough hours in the workday to pull it off.  Then, other people decide they don't want to do their jobs, so I get saddled with that, too.  To to it all off, I'm going to be away on business next week, so I won't even get Memorial Day off this year.  So, for my first official holiday, I'll be working.  

So, I made my own unofficial holiday last Friday.  

I realized that the weather was actually going to be nice for a change of pace, that none of my meetings scheduled for Friday was super critically important, and that I wanted a day off.  So, I decided, "ehh, screw the whole thing," and took the day off.  I woke up at my own good time (quite frankly, it was like 40 minutes later than usual...pretty sad), had a leisurely breakfast, did just a little work around the house, went for a nice bike ride, grilled a steak, then played some video games.  All in all, it was a solid day of not working.  

All that having been said, it's already monday again, and here I am, back at work.  At work, sitting through an entire morning's worth of meetings, learning that nobody's working on another project that's now going to get dumped on me, with my car in the shop again.  Basically, monday sucks.  

How can it be that my Friday of Leisure was a mere two days ago?  When I decided to have a three-day weekend, I had anticipated that it would be significantly longer that in ended up being.  Of course, it was three days, but I wanted it to feel like an eternity.  It totally did not. 

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