Thursday, October 8, 2015

Anybody Want It?

The disgusting tea bags told me to enjoy.  Now I don’t know what to do

Stand up for yourself, Jeremy!  Don't let those tea bags tell you what to do!  Stick it to The Man!

The problem there, of course, is that I can't really tell a tea bag what to go do with itself.  It' know...a tea bag.  It just kinda sits there.  My issue now is that I'm conflicted.

It's pretty widely known that I occasionally drink tea at work.  I have a thing to make hot water, a supply of various tea bags tucked in a drawer, and a nice travel mug.  I like to try different types and flavors of tea because what's life without whimsy?  As a matter of fact, I have a nice lemon-flavored herbal tea sitting in front of me as I type.  It's one of the most common ones you would see me have if you came by my office during high tea.  Strictly speaking, yes I know this is technically a "fruit infusion" and not "tea" because it's made of Hibiscus and not actual tea leaves.  I still call it tea because shut up.

Not long ago, I was in the grocery store, and I knew my tea supply was dwindling a bit, so it was time to restock.  I got some more of the lemon flavor, and I also picked up a box of strawberry pomegranate tea made by a company whose name I won't mention, and you'll see why shortly.  I like strawberries, I like pomegranate flavored things (I've never eaten a pomegranate by itself), so I figured this would be a perfectly reasonable choice for tea. 

It sucks.  

This stuff is so ridiculously artificially sweet tasting, that I really don't want to drink any more of it.  But, I spent 3 bucks on the box of tea bags, so I'm at least somewhat stuck with it.  It's lousy.  Boo.  I did, however, notice that there are instructions on the box for how to make tea.  This is necessary, apparently, because people don't know how to use a mesh bag full of tea.  The directions are reasonably simple:  Pour 1 cup of boiling water into a mug with tea bag.  Steep for 4-6 Minutes.  Enjoy. 

I managed to accomplish the first two items on the list with no major issues.  I don't think the water coming out of my little dispenser is exactly "boiling," but it's certainly hot enough for tea.  I steeped for a while...didn't time it, but there's enough room for error, so I figured it would be fine.  But, when I came to the third part of the instructions, I'm torn.  I really can not enjoy this particular flavor of tea.  It's really really bad.  I'm sorry, directions, but I just don't know what to do anymore. 

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