Monday, November 11, 2013

Is It for Temperature Control?

How much do you have to love football to be the guy on Sunday squirting water into the players’ mouths?  

It would be amazing if that guy made more money than you.

He probably does, but for the good of the entire world, I certainly hope not.  

So, you've all seen this guy.  He has what has to be the worst job in the entire NFL.  He stands there on the sidelines holding a towel and two water bottles.  When players come from the field to the sidelines, he hands them the towel so they can wipe their heads, and then the players stare off into space and open their mouth while our hero squirts water into it.  That's his job.  He quirts water into people's mouths so they don't have to do it themselves.  

This is nonsense.  

These are some of the largest and most powerful athletes in the entire sporting world.  They're capable of bench pressing me.  I have to believe that their grips are strong enough to compress a water bottle enough to get a drink.  Yet, the team has a guy...presumably a paid position...who's sole job it is to squirt water at people.  It completely baffles me why the professional athletes are incapable of getting a drink of water by themselves.  I do it all the time, and I'm only am amateur. 

So, here you have a guy who I'm going to assume has his pick of what he wants to do for a living.  He chooses to work for an NFL team because he likes football.  He clearly can't be one of the players, perhaps not ready for the front office yet, got cut from the grounds-keeping crew, working his way up to being a trainer perhaps...and the only job left for him is water boy.  He sticks it out, just so he can say he works for an NFL team and gets his 2 1/2 seconds of air time on national TV when he's squirting water into a star player's mouth.  I can't imagine what it is about this job that keeps this guy coming back week after week.  The only thing that could even begin to explain it is a deep-seeded love of football and the chance to get into the games for free every weekend.  

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