Monday, June 25, 2012

The Operator Asked Me Not To Call Back

I tried calling “2,” but nobody from the Mets answered

Well, hopefully by now you know how a phone works, so you weren't actually expecting Justin Turner to answer.  

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about today's Sametime Status, because I finally gave in to public persuasion and made a Status about Carly Rae Jepsen's hit single "Call Me Maybe."  

See, I was made aware very recently that New York Mets infielder Justin Turner uses this song as his walk-up music during games, and I have no idea why.  Not that cheap bubble-gum tripe music is altogether bad for being played in front of 50 thousand people (not to mention however many are watching on TV), but this particular song is about a young girl of questionable morals meeting a guy at a party, which has little, if anything, to do with baseball.  If you haven't heard this song yet, I have no idea what you're doing with your life, but please let me know in the comments below so I can try to duplicate it.  

Anyway, this Status, in addition to being a round-about joke about baseball walk-up music, reminded me of a joke from the great Mitch Hedberg, in which he laments not having the phone number (222) 222-2222.  When asked how to get ahold of him, he can simply reply, "Just press 2 for a while.  When I answer, you will know you have pressed 2 enough."   

By the way, I was told to remind you that today is an important milestone or something?

Indeed it is!  Today's Blag Entry marks the 1,000th post for Jeremy Is In The Office.  

You have got to be kidding me.  One thousand posts of this crap?  Where does the time go?

I have no idea, but the fine folks who read my page sure have wasted a lot of it here.  Over the last thousand posts, we've learned a lot about Hockey, Bird Flu, History (Revisionist or otherwise), Music, Movies, all other forms of Pop Culture, some actual Culture, Webcomics, general Nerdiness, and heard some hopefully amusing stores from the real world of Jeremy.  I feel that we've grown together as a Status-Message Writing family, and look forward to many more posts of the same sort of silliness you've come to expect.

And I'm pretty sure I speak for everyone when I hope it gets a whole lot better.    

Here's to the next 1000 posts! 

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