Thursday, June 21, 2012

It's Happening Again!

For the fourth time, I’ve seen somebody selling a steamroller on the side of the road

You can't be serious.  

Entirely serious here.  It's a little...I don't know what the word is to describe this, but it's weird.  I'm not sure if this is the sort of thing that happens all the time everywhere and I've just never noticed it until now, or if this truly is a landmark event, but people around here love to sell steamrollers.

As far as I can tell, this is an entirely different steamroller than the first three I saw for sale, so it's not the same steamroller being sold over and over again.  At least four different people have not only owned steamrollers, but wanted to sell them and in fact (in three of the cases so far) found buyers for them.  This means that at least seven random people have known the joys of steamroller ownership.  

The joys?  

You can make stuff flat any time you want!  It's great for breakfast and laundry day, not to mention putting in a new asphalt driveway...which some people may do WAY more often than most, I just don't know.  And do you know why?

Because you don't own a steamroller?

Because I don't own a steamroller!  

And now that there exists a fourth opportunity to join the brotherhood of steamroller owners, (Do they have a secret handshake?  When are the meetings?) I don't know how long I'll be able to put off this pleasure.      

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