Wednesday, December 7, 2011

When Does Hunting Season Start?

I don’t need one of those fake light-up deer in my front yard.  I have plenty of the real ones

Yay!  Little Bambis!

Yeah, they're a real treat.  They eat my grass and my bird food, almost get hit crossing the road on a near daily basis, set off the motion detector over the garage so my light stays on all night, and crap in my yard.  They're a real treat.  

But they pull Santa's sleigh.

Holiday theme week is next week.  

Sorry...jumped the gun a little.

So yeah...deer.  Specifically those light-up ones that make their way to people's yards around the holiday season as people's lighting decorations get bigger, more elaborate, and in nearly all cases, kitschier.  You can't throw an elf without hitting somebody's inflatable Santa, snow globe, snowman (I actually saw an 18-foot inflatable snowman not long ago...dear God) or some other stupid thing.  But the light-up deer are a different sort of strange, especially in my neighborhood.  We have deer all over the place, and yet people feel the need to go out and buy deer that they have to plug in.  Here's a fun fact...I have more deer in my front yard than you do, and come Spring, I don't have to figure out how to store mine...they run off into the woods.  Mine also use significantly less electricity. 

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