Thursday, December 15, 2011

Theme Week, Part Bird With An iPhone That Has Bad Reception So He's Not Calling Anybody

Tips For The Holidays Week!  Bing Crosby can go ahead and clam up

It just wouldn't be Christmas if it wasn't white.  Or were you referring to Silver Bells?

Nope...all about the White Christmas thing.  Snow sucks.  It's pretty much the worst thing ever.  It's cold, slippery, forces you to go out into the cold and snow to shovel it, makes driving a pain, makes dealing with other people's stupid driving a bigger pain, and makes everything a completely white monotone.  It's boring!  The mind boggles when I think that there are actually people out there who say they love snow.  

So here's my idea for Christmas every year...and for some reason it never seems to work out quite the way I'd hoped.  It can snow once on Dec 23 or 24th...after everybody has traveled to wherever it is they're going to spend Christmas and has purchased a week's supply of ham, then stay cold enough for the snow to remain on the ground (but be plowed off the roads) until after Christmas, then it's time for Spring.  All that flaky white crap can just disappear and make way for summer.  Who's with me?

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