Monday, April 19, 2010

The Surgeon General Agrees

People Who Just Don't Get It; Volume 3: The person who crushes out their cigarette at the entrance to the gym.


Watched it this morning. It really was a thing of beauty. Sweet, hypocritical, ironic beauty.

Oh do tell, Jeremy.

I have little tolerance for smokers. Most of them are probably decent enough people, but as with most things, a few bad seeds spoil everything for everyone else. So you get the handful of people who stand directly outside the door of any building so you have to walk through a cloud of their cancer to get inside. You get the one who decides to smoke upwind from you during a volleyball game (Yes, this has happened). You get the guy who smokes outside of your apartment building at 2:00 in the morning, his smoke gently wafting into your open bedroom window. You get the guy who throws his cigarette butt on the side of the sidewalk with the literally thousands of other butts no more than 5 feet from the little sandy collector thing the landscaping people put out for the purpose of collecting cigarette butts. The guy who chucks his used up ashy bits out the window of his car on the freeway...who empties the ashtray of his car into the parking lot...and of course whines that he's being persecuted because nobody will let him smoke inside his favourite bar nauseum....lots and lots of nauseum.

This is all slightly beside the point.

By now, most people know that smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your body, short of deliberately walking in front of buses. So doesn't it stand to reason that people who smoke have pretty much given up on taking care of themselves and are not interested in maintaining their health? At that point, why are you bothering to go to a gym? Just stay home and collect your emphysema. We all know that's how this story ends anyway.

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