Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Today, I join the ranks of those who hate Duke.

Finally started watching the tournament, did you?

Not as such. Here's the deal:

Since March is over, and the tournament is referred to as "March Madness" (That's probably copyrighted or something, so I'm going to get sued, but whatever) and it's now April, I figured the thing was over, and I should check on the status of my bracket in the pool. To my complete shock and amazement, I found myself in third place...which is especially intriguing because the team I picked to win the national championship lost in the second round because they're a bunch of jerks.

Anyway...since the top 3 finishers in the pool get the prizes, I was quite pleased with myself...until, to my abject horror, I realized there was one game left. Naturally, one of the people farther down in the pool was the ONLY person in the entire game who picked Duke to win the whole show...one thing led to another and because Duke won the championship, that guy took over first in the pool, and bumped me down to fourth. No prize for Jeremy. :(

Awwe...too bad. Better luck next year.

I think what I'm going to do next year is just fill out a bracket in advance based solely on the seedings and fill in the teams later. It will be almost as useful as actually reading the names.

1 comment:

Pah said...

Maybe next year the University of Connecticut will win. Then the title of your blag could be: