Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Yeah buuuuuddy

Put your hands in the air like you won a big prize. Bop yourself on the head and cross your eyes...yeah Schmëerskåhøvên!


Today's Status comes to you courtesy of Pinky and the Brain. In one episode, an evil mastermind developed a complex series of movements that would render somebody stupid, enabling the mastermind to take over the world. These movements were turned into a dance by Swedish Supergroup BAAB in a song strangely reminiscent of the Macarena called Schmëerskåhøvên. I'm assuming the word actually means nothing and was developed simply to have as many special characters as possible, but I can't be bothered to look it up. By the climax of the episode, the only way to tell if somebody had been dumbed down by the dance was if they enoyed the comedy stylings of Pauly Shore. This is likely the last reference to Pauly Shore in this blag.

I was also fairly curious how well the word Schmëerskåhøvên would translate into Sametime...turns out, quite well.

SPECIAL BLAG BONUS!!! Letter To The Editor!

From The Erie Times-News

Letter removed at the request of the publisher

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