Monday, September 10, 2007

Jeremy Is In The Office

I'd like to welcome all of you to Jeremy's Sametime Status.

First of all, yes, this is a direct ripoff of Jeremy's Status Message , but I'm okay with that. He explained to me that he gets money from his banner ads, and that was the most convincing arguement I heard to creating a blag.

First, some ground rules:

  • The Status Message changes daily, but this blag will update when I darn well choose
  • No, I'm not misspelling Blag
  • All Sametime Statuses arecreated exclusively by me, unless otherwise notes. You are free to reprint them, as long as you add a dash, and the name of this blag. Example: "'If your fan is fast enough, whatever hits it will be evenly distributed.' - Jeremy's Sametime Status"
  • Be on the lookout for "Theme Weeks"
  • I may give prizes on occasion.

That's all for now. The rest, we'll figure out as we go along. Happy reading!


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