Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sesame Street would be weird in Binary...

"I’ve found it’s actually NOT a good idea to use your fingers to count in binary. People tend to punch you when you get to 4. Weird."


Okay, so this is the second consecutive nerdy entry. For those of you who can't count in binary, alow me to use this visual aide in counting to 4. "!" will indicate a raised finger, while "." will indicate a lowered finger. I think you'll get the idea.

1: !...
2: .!..
3: !!...
4: ..!..
5: !.!..
6: .!!..
7: !!!..
8: ...!.
9: !..!.
10: .!.!.

Yesterday's Explanation:

I'm actually kinda glad only 2 people figured out yesterday's message. It takes a special blend of nerdinesses to put the two pieces together.

The first thing to know is how to read and/or speak in Lolcat, a viral internet meme that has lasted far beyond its useful purpose. Some of them are fairly amusing though.

Second is the gedanken experiment known as Schrodinger's Cat" in which a cat in a closed box is both alive and not alive at the same time, and the only way to know or sure is to open the box.

Yesterday's message is a whimsical combination of both...creating Schrodinger's Lolcat.

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