Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Theme Week, Part Babydmon

Jeremy Is In The Office Proudly Presents:
Dr. Seuss Character or Pokemon Week! 

Day 2:  Biffer-Baum 

We continue with Theme Week today, as we explore the fictional universes of Dr. Seuss and the Pokemon.  It's up to you!

Yesterday, we introduced this latest Theme Week with a simple question.  Is the character presented one of the hundreds of Pokemon, or one of the seemingly endless colorful characters in a Dr. Seuss book?

The first day of Theme Week kicked off with "Kweet."

It sounds like a Pokemon, but is clearly from the world of Dr. Seuss!  

Right you are.  The Kweet is a large bird first introduced in the 1953 book "Scrambled Eggs Super!"  It is portrayed as a bird from which the eggs come from.  The eggs are improved by the fact that bugs eat the blossoms from Basalnut trees.  The bugs are then eaten by the wogs, which are eaten by the trout, which are ultimately consumed by the Kweet.  The resulting chain results in high quality, sweet eggs.

Today, we move on to Biffer-Baum.  Dr. Seuss Character, or Pokemon?   

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